Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Floating Point in C

C has single and double precision numbers (where the precision depends on the machine at hand). For example,
double sum;
               float avg, y[10];
               sum = 0.0;
               for( i=0; i<n; i++ )
                       sum =+ y[i];
               avg = sum/n;
forms the sum and average of the array y.All floating arithmetic is done in double precision.  Mixed mode arithmetic is legal; if an arithmetic operator in an expression has both operands int or char, the arithmetic done is integer, but if one operand is int or char and the other is float or double, both operands are converted to double Thus if i and j are int and x is float,
(x+i)/j         converts i and j to float
       x + i/j         does i/j integer, then converts
Type conversion may be made by assignment; for instance,
int m, n;
               float x, y;
               m = x;
               y = n;
converts x to integer (truncating toward zero), and n to floating point.Floating constants are just like those in Fortran or PL/I, except that the exponent letter is `e' instead of `E'.  Thus:
pi = 3.14159;a
               large = 1.23456789e10;
printf will format floating point numbers: ``%w.df'' in the format string will print the corresponding variable in a field w digits wide, with d decimal places.  An e instead of an f will produce exponential notation.


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